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CCC's Electronic Reserve Service: licensing electronic reserves of copyrighted material

Hello. This is a message primarily for any academic libraries interested
in licensing their electronic reserves permissions through Copyright
Clearance Center. I believe that this message is appropriate to the
subject matter of this list. 

(Posted to multiple lists- sorry if you see it twice)

The news is this: We have nearly completed building an area on CCC
Online to accept and process permissions requests for our new Electronic
Reserves Service (ERS).

If you have a User Name and Password for CCC Online, you can access
these pages via the following URL:

Please let me know if you have additional questions, or need
instructions for obtaining a User Name and Password. 

	*  Users of the Electronic Reserves Service will need to sign a User
Agreement for CCC to process their requests.  
		(I will mail or fax you an Agreement upon your request)

	*  The FAQ is *not* yet ready (I'm working on it feverishly!! ; I can
fax you a draft if you like!!) . 

For more information specifically on the ERS, send e-mail to:

I have attached additional basic information about this new service

Dave Davis
CCC Program Coordinator       Voice: (508) 750-4283 x-217

CCC's Academic Electronic Reserves permissioning system is designed to
help clear copyrighted material for colleges and universities for use in
their Academic Electronic Reserve programs. At present, this service is
only available to registered users of either the Transactional Reporting
Service (TRS) or the Academic Pemissions Service (APS) . Participants in
the Academic Electronic Reserve program will need to execute and return
a User Agreement specifically for this service, though no additional
Annual Service Fee will be required for access.

As you may know by now, the digital arena is one which rightsholders are
especially wary of. Add the elements of 'students' and 'Internet' to
this equation, and you can see why these authorizations are not always
easy to obtain and manage. Under this new (and still developing!)
program, CCC will solicit the rightsholder on your behalf for the
permissions you need; if possible, CCC will provide you with
authorization to make and use copyrighted electronic reserve material at
your academic institution. CCC will invoice you on a quarterly basis for
all your charges incurred under this program and distribute the
royalties to the rightsholders annually. 

NOTE: All customers who submit a request for permission on an item will
be required to pay the service fee charge of $5.00 per item. Once your
permission request is received, CCC will go to the rightsholder and
solict them on your behalf. CCC will report the result back to you. When
the permission comes through, you will be billed on a formula that
calculates the sum of the royalties plus the CCC Service charge.
Remember, even if  you cancel your request or if permission is denied,
you will still be billed the $5.00 service charge. 

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