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more questions...

Before I add a question into the mix I just want to thank everyone for
their contributions to this very important and necessary discussion...I've
learned plenty, and I can't remember archiving so many messages.  While I
have many questions, I would like to add one to the present discussion on
simultaneous user licenses. 

1.  What provisions do libraries and vendors make in licensing agreements
for teaching products in an electronic classroom?  For example, if an
institution has signed a simultaneous user license for 2-5 users, and
would like to teach the product in an electronic classroom for 15
simultaneous users, can this be negotiated or how are institutions
handling this problem.  It seems to me that user training not only
promotes the product but increases demand as well.  How are small
institutions like ours, with limited simultaneous user licenses handling
this situation? 

Thank you

Michael Perry
Manager, Collection Development
University of Lethbridge Library
Lethbridge, AB  Canada
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