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Using Subscription Agents

John Campbell (Bibliography of Asian Studies) asks the following:

Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:08:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: John Campbell <>
Subject: agents

Thanks to members of this group for past suggestions with regard to our
new electronic Bibliography of Asian Studies.  If anyone is interested, it
is now up for free demonstration (during May) at:

I have also drawn up a draft license agreement, using suggestions we
received from you; if you want to look at that and make any suggestions,
it will be up within a day or two on: 

I have another question.  A couple of librarians have asked if we will
accept subscriptions through agents, such as Blackwell's.  Of course we do
that for our Journal, and we can for the BAS although it seems to me that
direct contact when renewing has its advantages for keeping the IP
addresses up to date and so forth.  But this subscription can be as high
as $1200 for a big research university, and the idea of our paying
somebody $120 a year for sending in a little form seems excessive to me.
On the other hand, I can understand that this way is convenient for
librarians (and for all I know the agents might generate some
subscriptions for us.

Can librarians again give me some useful advice?  A reply to the group
is okay since I'm a member.

John Campbell, Association for Asian Studies
  John Creighton Campbell, Prof. of Political Science, University of
Michigan, and Secretary-Treasurer, Association for Asian Studies. 
University address: Corner House, 202 S Thayer St, Ann Arbor MI
48104-1608.  Tel 734 998 7558; Fax 734 998 7982.  
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