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Re: Not copyrighting facts (RE: copyrighting FACTS???)

Rick Anderson wrote:

> > objections from Democrats that the bill
> > would allow owners of databases to secure copyright-like
> > protections on facts within databases, not just.."
> People arguing for or in behalf of controversial bills often indulge
> in overheated rhetoric, so it's important to take the
> characterizations of a bill's opponents (or its proponents, for that
> matter) with a grain or two of salt.  Just because those who oppose
> the bill say that it would give "copyright-like protections" to
> facts does not mean that the bill itself would, in fact, allow
> database providers to copyright facts.

This is the most bizarre statement.  The bill is giving copyright-like
protections to facts contained in databases.  That's the whole point of it
-- create exclusive rights to facts in databases.  Either you are saying
nothing in response to the point, or you are just plain trying to
obfuscate the issue.

Seth Johnson

New Yorkers for Fair Use

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