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Re: Passwords for Remote Access

Last week, when Janice M. Jaguszewski, Collections Coordinator of the
Science & Engineering Library at the University of Minnesota posted her
detailed message about passwords for databases accessed remotely, she
expressed a strong preference that the producer validate by IP rather than
issuing a password to her institutional library -- whihc means, practicall
speaking, having a librarian hand out the PW to each interested user.  She
commented (and we have found this to be the case as well) that it is
simply unwielding for our librarians to be distributors of the password. 

Janice also asked if it is permissible to somehow publish or include the
password for her user community, for example, during the logon to the
resource.  While we've heard some useful and important things about
validation modes in general (a good topic: keep messages about it coming) 
we haven't heard any thoughts about the answer to her specific question. 

What do you all (publishers, librarians, lawyers) think that a library can
do to avoid having to hand out the password; is publication to a specific
user community acceptable?  Appropriate? 

Thanks for your thoughts,  The Moderators
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