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Re: Electronic or print: Publishing in 3D

Today's responses on this topic are included in this message.

1.Examples might include Vook, and the Amanda Project, both 
described in Brad Stone, Is This the Future of the Digital Book?, 
New York Times, Apr. 4, 2009, at 

Robert Richards

2.For a very limited example: you could look at the interactive 
3D model that was inserted into the 2D-PDF paper in Nature back 
in January. (By Alyssa Goodman et al., published in the 1st 
January issue: 
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v457/n7225/) I know, not a 
3D publication, but something 3D in a publication !

Pippa Smart
Research Communication and Publishing Consultant
PSP Consulting - www.pspconsulting.org

3.Nature published an article in PDF with 3D interactive images 
in their Jan 1, 2009 issue.

Andrea Imre
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

4.Linking is, of course, the most basic 'multidimensional' aspect 
of Web publication.  There are 'articles' which make wider use of 
the multidimensional nature of the Web - see, for example, 
http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0000228.x001.  However, 
what I find interesting is that, despite this, their underlying 
form is still that dictated by the good old print medium!

Sally Morris