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Re: Elsevier's Approach to Pricing

I could not agree more. The onerous requirement for individual registration
effectively cancels IP access.

Etheldra Templeton
O. J. Snyder Memorial Library
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia PA 19131

>>> Katherine Porter <Porter@library.vanderbilt.edu> 09/22/99 06:32PM >>>
.Why then did we just get hit with a policy which makes this new wide
access a travesty?  One of the problems withPEAK as well as the electronic
collections of some other publishers was the requirement for individual
registration.  From my experience in two different libraries, I can vouch
for the fact that every roadblock thrown up means a group of users who
turn away. It seems like Elsevier was making their ScienceDirect access as
easy as possible for users.  Well yesterday we found out that each and
every Vanderbilt user must set up individual registration to be able to
use SD titles for which we have no print subscription.  BOY IS THIS A STEP


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