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Liblicense-l Migration

Dear Liblicense-l Readers:

Sometime this week, Yale's Information Technology Services (ITS) will be
migrating Liblicense-l from the current server (pantheon)  to the new one
(lists).  I.e., any day now, this list's address will change to

It is our understanding that all existing subs will be or already have
been changed over; and that a forwarding mechanism will be in place for a
little while.

This means that (1) when you send a message to

it will automatically be forwarded over to

and (2)  your messages will be distributed correctly. 

However, this also means that to be assured that your messages get to
liblicense-l reliably (once the forwarding is removed, down the line), you
should change the address you are using from liblicense-l@pantheon .. to
liblicense-l@lists ...

You may as well make the change by the end of the week, just so you don't

If any testing needs to be done or there are any small glitches, you will
hear from Phil Long, Yale's Director of Academic Computing, via this list.
He and his staff have done a lot of work to make our various list
transitions smooth and invisible.

Thank you, Ann Okerson
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