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Re: post-ILL

Jim O"Donnell take us a bit futher into the world of "what if". How 
about thinking a bit futher, when we have "pricing on the fly". Why 
not information futures just like pork bellies. Why have once a year 
pricing from publishers, but pricing which changes as the dollar 
fluctuates, (less risk for everyone) or the cost of an article by a 
new Nobel prize winner doubles. How about bargin basement articles by 
new faculty who have not established reputations, or in fields like 
cold fusion. Elsevier might have year end sales, dropping the cost of 
articles to catch our year end funds which normally would be spent on 
big ticket items which we probably don't need.

Vandy only spends 34% of our total library budget on information. The 
rest goes to infrastucture. The electronic world way allow is to 
reduce the cost of the infrastructure and shift more into dollars 
spent on actual information. More information for us, and more money 
for the publishers. The publishers need to wake up and understand 
they need to help us create this new world, not stand in its way. 

And yes, we might run out of articles mid-year, but are we not 
running out now, as we cancel more and more journal titles and buy 
fewer and fewer monographs. It's just a different form of running 

Paul M. Gherman
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