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CD-Rom Licenses

Forwarded message:
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 10:27:13 -0800
From: "Nick G. Carter" <>
Subject: CD-Rom Licenses 
Organization: PNNL

I hope you are also considering putting licenses for CD-ROM and hard drive
applications on your web site.  Examples include Knigh-Ridder's OnDisc
products, Silver Platter, and ISI's Current Contents, etc. 

We find two parts of these license agreements that we usually have to
have changed by the vendor, and the vendors have, thus far, been
amenable to the changes: one is the indemnification clause; as a not for
profit company, our lawyers will not let us indeminify the vendors. The
other is a special case for us since we manage a national lab for the
government: a clause usually states that materials cannot be passed on
to another company.  In our case, although we have operated this lab
since 1965, the US gov't could, at any time, pass the operation on to
someone else.

Thank you for making this site available.


Nick Carter
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