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Canadian Subscribers ??


While the law may be different, the common-sense and creativity espoused by
the contributors to this list applies on either side of the border.  As
someone working in electronic publishing (Micromedia Limited), I am learning
lots from the List and hope to contribute as it is appropriate.  Since much
of negotiating is just trying to understand the other side's perspective or
problem, this List will do much to improve library-publisher relations.  

To add another element to this list, I negotiate licenses between
Information Providers (periodical, monograph, research, scholarly
publishers, government departments, database creators, etc.) and an
electronic publisher of library research tools.   I frequently find myself
needing to explain to IPs why and how the library community uses the IP's
content in order to negotiate a license agreement for content reproduction
rights.  (I find that my years as a reference librarian help in making them
understand the difference between somebody reading a print copy of a
magazine on the subway while on the way to work, and the same person search
for  information from periodicals within a research setting.)

Gail Dykstra
Director, Government and Publisher Relations
Micromedia Limited
20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2N8
Phone     (416) 362-5211,ext.2551
Fax          (416) 362-8407
Toll Free (800)387-2689,ext.2551
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