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Re: Chemistry Journal License

In similar instances, I have contacted the publishers first to negotiate
changes to allow our users the same rights with the electronic versions as
they enjoy with the print.  I have referred the publishers to their own use
statements printed in every issue of the paper copies.  While these are
usually not perfect, they are normally much better than the statements
relating to the electronic versions.

My success has been mixed.  One refused to make a single change but
promised that the coming year's license, which should be sent soon, would
incorporate suggestions made by other librarians and me and hinting that
we would like the changes.  I then agreed to the license because to do
otherwise would deprive our users of access to something for which we had
already paidd.  We have no good way of enforcing the "abnormal use" terms,
which bothers me because we did agree to the license. 

A second vendor publisher agreed to the changes I suggested after only two
phone calls.  I was pleasantly surprised.

A third said that different lawyers had composed the print and electronic
statements and supposedly referred my concerns to its legal staff.  That was
six months ago.  Follow-up phone calls have elicited the sympathy of the
customer relations staff but still no response.  In the meantime, we have
not agreed to the original terms, and our subject librarians in that
discipline are not happy with me.

John Webb
Assistant Director for Library Automation
Washington State University Libraries
Pullman, WA 99164-5610
509-335-9133    FAX 509-335-6721
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