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Access to the Archives of Two ECS Journals Now Available

Please excuse cross-posting.

Posted on behalf of the Electrochemical Society

Dear Colleagues:

Now through the end of 2006, the Electrochemical Society (ECS) is 
pleased to provide institutional subscribers with free trial 
access to the online archives of both the Journal of The 
Electrochemical Society (JES) and Electrochemical and Solid State 
Letters (ESL). Subscribers will be notified regarding the 
activation of access to this additional content from JES 
(www.ecsdl.org/JES) and ESL (www.ecsdl.org/ESL).

The JES online archive is now accessible back to 1975, and ECS 
plans to make the complete archive available beginning with the 
first volume in 1902. Articles from ESL are available going back 
to the publication's launch in mid-1998. Articles will be 
available as full-text PDFs, and all online back issues offer 
HTML-formatted tables of contents, abstract pages, and searchable 
database records.

Beginning in 2007, subscribers will continue to receive free 
access to a five-year backfile of both these journals as part of 
their subscriptions, but in order to access the complete 
archives, there will be a small additional charge per journal.

There will be two additional ways of receiving access to the 
complete online archive of JES and ESL in 2007. One will be 
through a subscription to the ECS Serials Package, which also 
includes the quarterly magazine, Interface. The second will be 
with a subscription to the ECS Digital Library, which provides 
access to Interface, ECS Meeting Abstracts, and ECS Transactions.

ECS will announce its 2007 subscription prices soon, and we will 
notify you as soon as this information is available. Meantime, we 
encourage subscribers to alert their users about the freely 
accessible backfile.

If you have any questions about this free trial or about your 
institution's subscriptions to ECS publications, please contact 
the customer service department of the American Institute of 
Physics at:

Tel: 1-800-344-6902 or 1-516-576-2270 (outside of the US and Canada)
Email: subs@aip.org

Kind regards,

Christine Orr
Marketing Manager
American Institute of Physics
Melville NY 11747 USA
Tel: 516-576-2484
Email: corr@aip.org