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Google's library scanning project

I wanted to alert you all to a couple of recent items regarding Google's
scanning project...

First of all, there's an interesting article in today's Chicago Tribune
about Google's scanning project. It contained some info I hadn't seen
before. It's written by Steve Johnson, Chicago Tribune television critic,
and it may require (free) registration. It's available via:


Secondly, it looks like there will be an interesting panel on the topic at
this summer's ALA annual conference. See the following note, forwarded
from the LITA-L list with the permission of the note's author.

Bernie Sloan

From: owner-lita-l@ala.org On Behalf Of Maurice York
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 3:17 PM
To: Library and Information Technology Association List
Subject: [LITA-L:1283] What would you ask Google and the Google Print

Hi all, I've changed the thread name of Bernie's posting because it
reminded me of something I have been meaning to post to this group. I am
putting together and moderating a program for Annual in Chicago on Google
Print and Google Scholar. The panel will consist of Google's product
manager for both Google Print and Google Scholar and project managers from
each of the libraries involved in the Google Print project (Harvard,
Stanford, Michigan, and NYPL are confirmed...still working on Oxford). The
first part of the program will be a presentation from Google, followed by
the panel discussion. I'm putting together a list of questions to ask the
panel and wanted to collect ideas on what kind of questions are burning in
people's minds. Any topic under the sun that touches on what Google and
the libraries are doing is game.

So, if you could ask one question of Google and all the libraries involved
in the project, what would you ask? (Okay, if you have more than one I'll
take everything you've got....) Thanks, Maurice

PS--If you're interested in coming to the program, it will be on Monday
(June 27th) afternoon from 1:30-3:30, so take that into account when
making your travel plans. It should be a great program!

Maurice York
LITA Emerging Technologies Interest Group

Team Leader, Circulation and Reserves
Woodruff Library
Emory University
Atlanta, GA