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Lexis-Nexis UNIVerse Service

Dear Liblicense-l readers:  Here is a Chronicle of Higher Education
article from a few weeks ago that gives a general overview of the
new Lexis-Nexis UNIVerse service, although it doesn't give details.

Ann Okerson
Yale University

    September 5, 1997

    Lexis-Nexis Offers New Discount Plan for


    Lexis-Nexis, a service that lets business
    customers search a massive on-line data base
    of periodicals, is offering universities a
    discount plan that will give students and
    faculty members almost unlimited access to
    millions of journal articles, newspaper
    reports, and other documents.

    Although the Lexis-Nexis data base has become
    widely available in the business world, it has
    been less accessible to scholars because the
    high price of the service made it unaffordable
    for most colleges and universities. The
    company has long offered special rates to law
    and business schools, however.

    Lexis-Nexis says the new service, called
    UNIVerse, is priced with colleges in mind --
    at about 70 to 80 per cent below the rates for
    the comparable commercial service, company
    officials say. "This isn't your typical 'This
    will cost a fortune' Lexis-Nexis," notes Steve
    Edwards, a public-relations manager for the

    The exact price will vary by institution
    because it is based on the number of students
    and faculty and staff members who have access
    to a university's computer network. Tom
    Wallman, senior director of academic markets
    for Lexis-Nexis, estimates that the service
    will cost universities about two or three
    dollars per person per year. Because the new
    service is accessible over the World-Wide Web,
    people are able to use it at any networked
    computer on a member campus.

    Users of the new service must agree to use the
    data base only for "academic-related
    purposes." The UNIVerse service isn't as
    complete as Lexis-Nexis's commercial data
    base. Most public records and many
    market-research reports are excluded.

    Copyright (c) 1997 by The Chronicle of Higher
    Date: 09/05/97
    Section: Information Technology
    Page: A39
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