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RE: Does BMC's business model conflict with Editorial Independence?

Matt Cockerill wrote:

"The suggestion that open access journal editors are conflicted because their journal's revenue depends on article processing charges is really just the same old suggestion that open access journals in general are conflicted by article processing charges. But as has been widely pointed out, if that is a conflict of interest, then all journals with page charges have that same conflict of interest. And since traditional publishers justify subscription price increases based on the increasing page count of their journals, traditional publishers too face the very same potential conflict of interest."


I fail to see this as a strong argument by similarity. Page charges would have the same corruptive effect on editorial independence only if editors received a "share of the revenue" (Matt's words) for each check that was sent in by authors. The reward system for BMC editors is essentially that of any commission salesman. Accept more articles, get richer. Their business model is that simple.

I am also told by a BMC editor that they are economic consequences for waiving article processing fees. Not only do editors forfeit their commission, but they are required to pay for these pro bono articles out of their own coffers. Both of these BMC business practices seem to contradict ethical policies set up to separate the business interests of the publisher and editorial independence. As I quoted yesterday from the World Association of Medical Editors, "Editors-in-chief should establish procedures that guard against the influence of commercial and personal self-interest on editorial decisions." [3]

Moreover, I do not see a strong and direct argument between page counts, editorial remuneration, and justification for higher subscription prices. I wouldn't disagree that some editors of large journals receive more compensation than editors of smaller journals, yet I don't see the direct and immediate link between editorial compensation and subscription prices. A police officer may receive a raise at the end of the year for doing good work, but the officer that receives a direct cut from every ticket he issues has a direct conflict of interest between his financial well-being and his obligation to be a fair and honest arbitrator of the law. In the same way, the editorial remuneration practices of BMC do not give me assurances that BMC editors are fair and honest arbitrators of their editorial responsibilities.

--Phil Davis