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online acceptance of terms and conditions

Carole Bell, University of Maryland, sends the following inquiry:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri,  9 Apr 1999 14:09:49 EDT
From: cb216@umail.umd.edu
Subject: online acceptance of terms and conditions

I've checked the archives and can't seem to find any discussion about my
questions.  Please forgive me if this has already been discussed.

We are now seeing the proliferation of e-journals that are free with print
subscriptions and have "terms and conditions" as opposed to signed,
licenses.  There is often no place for a signature and in some cases they
don't even ask for a contact name. The registration process requires that
you click on the "I agree" button to continue with the registration.  
Often you do not even see the additional information you need to complete
the registration until you agree to the terms.  Are people registering for
these titles online?  Is this type of agreement as binding as signed
licenses?  I would be particularily interested to hear from public
university libraries that may have strict policies on this.  Thank you.

Carole R. Bell
Head, Acquisitions Dept.
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-7011