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Ejournals benchmarking study

I am Coordinator of a full-text with images electronic journal system on
Lucent Technologies' intranet. It includes about 160 titles based on
Lucent's interests. 

I am looking for other *companies* that also have a similar system to
compare notes and learn from each other about the process, philosophy, and
customer base. Our specific interest is in for-profit corporations in the
science or technology field that are providing electronic journals, using
either in-house or commerical systems.

This is part of a formal benchmarking study, and we plan to share results
with companies that participate. Let me know if you have a similar effort
underway, or if you have any suggestions of who else to contact. We hope
to complete this study by May 22nd. 

  Thanks in advance,
     Ruth Wolfish

 Ruth Wolfish                           voice:   +1.908.582.2014
 Lucent Technologies                    fax:     +1.908.582.3146

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