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Re: Best Journal Aggregator for Biomedicine

I'd like to follow up my previous posting with another pt. of view,
expressed to me by a colleague associated with the electronic publishing
industry (and slightly abridged): 

"My understanding of the concern that the publishers of journals like
Science have is not so much with advertising, it is with the direct
revenue generated by individual subscriptions. 

"Journals like Science, depend heavily on revenue from individual
subscribers (they have 140,000 individual subscriptions!).  They are
concerned that many of these subscribers are members of various academic
communities and fear that they will cancel their individual sub. if the
same information is available through a campus license.  Whether this fear
is justified is another question.  Anyway, you *can* imagine a scenario
where a lot of people might choose to opt only for the online version and
not take delivery of the paper version, so one can understand their fear. 
I think they are just not prepared to leap in and risk a disaster." 

Both of us consider that the best way out of this trap is to add value for
individual subscriptions, especially in ways that site license type access
does not offer.  You can imagine building profiles or sending out
notifications based on past search queries as a way to do this. 

David Goodman, Princeton University Biology Library            609-258-3235
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