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Febs Letters, electronically

(This was also posted to the arl-ejournal list).

Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 16:54:24 -0500
From: Jen Weintraub <>
Subject: Febs Letters, electronically

Our library recently had an interesting experience with an Elsevier
journal, and I am wondering if other institutions have been presented with
this situation.

I received an email from a faculty member who wanted to gain access to
Febs Letters online.  He needed to send Elsevier the subscription number
from our print subscription.  Sure enough, on the Elsevier home page, it
provides links to the full text of the journals in PDFs.  However, one
can only gain access to this journal if one (or one's institution) has a
print subscription. 

Since it is the Library's subscription, I emailed Elsevier to try to
gain access to this journal for the whole university.  However,
according to Elsevier, there is really no site license or arrangement
for free access.  If I wanted the whole library to have access to Febs
Letters, I'd have to register each computer individually.  Right now,
three faculty members who have found the Febs Letters homepage have
registered, but that's it.  And they can only access Febs Letters from
those specific computers in their offices from which they registered. 

Elsevier does not explain anything concerning online access to Febs
Letters on their homepage at all, which sort of defeats the purpose of
even having a homepage. 

We are not going to register our computers for this resource, as our
selection criteria for electronic journals requires that electronic
resources be available through any computer on campus or dialing into
the campus network. 

Has any other library had situations like this with Elsevier journals?  Do
you provide access in the library on a dedicated terminal?  Have you
spoken with Elsevier?  I imagine they are probably going to charge for
online access at some point, but we will definitely not pay for online
access that is limited to specific users or computers if we won't even
take advantage of the free access that is limited to specific users or

Thanks- I apologize if this issue has been discussed previously.

Jennifer Weintraub
Bibliographer and Full-Text Genre Specialist
Mann Library, Cornell University
tel: 607-255-7192
fax: 607-255-0318
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