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UMI's image removal

Hello everyone.

We recently had a rather unnerving experience with UMI's ABI Inform
Proquest Researcher II on CD, when it chose to remove (retrospectively) 
all the images of about 1/2 a dozen important titles.  I am sure there are
a number of libraries who, in these times of limited resources, tend to
cut back on print subscriptions when full-text images are available
online. Keeping up with the vendor's adds and drops is turning out to be a
collection development nightmare. 

I am writing to find out from this group:

a. how other libraries are dealing with the repercussions of cd-rom
vendors-publishers' agreements/disagreements,

b. whether libraries are collectively voicing their concern about what
seems to be a fairly regular problem these days with full-text products,


c. how we can make our licenses with full-text product vendors more
sympathetic to library needs. 

I would appreciate hearing how some of the libraries have creatively dealt
with these issues.    

Thank you. 

-Ramya Subramanian

Electronic Resources Librarian          Phone: (907) 786-1846
Rm 114, Consortium Library              Fax: (907) 786-6050
University of Alaska Anchorage          Email:
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Anchorage AK 99508
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