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E-Content: Pricing Models

Discussion on this list has advanced our understanding of the simultaneous
user pricing models (or has it confused us?).

Nonethless, I am still eager to hear about whether my "two flavors of
simultaneous users" interpretation is correct (i.e., that some vendors
define simultaneous web use by the actual connect time to a site and
others by a "session?").  Do you agree that there are these two flavors
and do you find any ambiguity in licenses on this matter?

And we could profitably devote some time to other pricing models and our
understanding of them.  If someone would care to start a thread about any
one of the list below, define, give examples of providers -- it would be
most useful. 

This list (made last fall) does not purport to be complete and I'm looking
for additions to enrich it. For example, charging by number and type of
campus subnets is missing from the list: 

A.	Price of print plus add on surcharge for the e-version.
B.	Price for e and add-on surcharge for the p-version.
C.	Print + e for the same price as print alone.
D.	Charge per FTE student on campus.
E.	Price related to size of library acquisitions budget.
F.	**Price related to number of simultaneous users.**
G.	Document delivery (per article or section price).
H.	No relationship to any print product (often the case for de novo
	e-resources that are not directly related to a specific print 	
I.	Capital cost for buying into the resource plus an annual
	access fee.
J.	Sliding scales of various sorts (for example, the more users, the
	cheaper the per-user price).
K.	Discounts, particularly for multiple institutions (consortia).
L.	Certain categories of users (such as students) get a cheaper

Thank you, Ann Okerson
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