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ALPSP releases First Fndings from Scholarly Book Publishing Practice Survey

13 October 2009, London

ALPSP releases first findings from the Scholarly Book Publishing 
Practice Survey undertaken by Laura Cox of Frontline GMS and John 
Cox of John Cox Associates.

During summer 2009, a survey was conducted of 400 publishers 
known to be active in the scholarly publishing market.  243 
responses were received, representing a 60.75% response rate. 72 
responses were discounted from the analysis for a variety of 
reasons; the balance was 171 publishers, or 42.75%, including 
most of the major scholarly book publishers.

The First Findings


summary draws attention to:

-the size and extent of the forthcoming survey;
-the types of academic publishing currently being undertaken;
-the reported effect on sales of the 'Look Inside' function 
provided by Amazon;
-the number of publishers so far signed up to the Google Book 
-the proportion of eBooks published by commercial as against 
non-profit publishers.

The full survey report, to be published later in 2009 will 
contain a wealth of statistical information about publishing 
practice in the following areas:

-Traditional book publishing including sales channels and printing
-eBook production and digital file specifications
-The services for libraries and licensing terms used for eBooks
-Pricing and business models used for eBooks
-eBook bundles and collections
-Perpetual access and preservation issues for eBooks
-Authors' re-use rights for eBook material
-Publishers ability to gain the publishing rights they need for 
-eBook revenue development
-Publishers concerns about the eBook market

For further information on this summary and the full report 

Nick Evans, Chief Operating Officer, ALPSP: nick.evans@alpsp.org
Laura Cox, Frontline GMS Ltd:  laura.cox@frontlinegms.com