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New: Founding Era Biographies - need help
- To: liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu
- Subject: New: Founding Era Biographies - need help
- From: susan@documentscompass.org
- Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 11:53:09 EDT
- Reply-to: liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu
- Sender: owner-liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu
A year ago, Documents Compass received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to explore the creation of a biographical and prosopographical resource for scholars of the American Founding. We have named this publication People of the Founding Era (PFE). Created by mining data from the existing documentary editions of the past half-century, we have inaugurated the project by working with the Papers of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Rush and the Dolley Madison Digital Edition. We are asking you to participate in a short survey, responding to several questions that will allow us to determine whether the project will be sustainable. Rotunda, the Electronic Imprint of the University of Virginia Press, has agreed to publish PFE in coordination with its American Founding Era Collection. We believe it will be an important and exciting addition. PFE has two parts: biographical and prosopographical. The biographical section is a compilation of the narratives created by the editors of the Founding Editions as part of their annotations. The population of PFE will include those born between 1713 and 1815. Our strategy is to aggregate the biographical statements rather than merge (and rewrite) them. The prosopographical section is a highly structured tagged data set that enables users to search through the population for common characteristics, such as place of birth or nationality. As the population of PFE grows, the user's ability to analyze the data will expand. You may request hypothetical screen shots for additional illustration. PFE will include as broad a swath of people as possible . We have already collected over 12,000, and intend to include ordinary people such as small farmers, wives and children, slaves, artisans, and Indians. We anticipate harvesting from 20,000-30,000 by completion of the next phase. We are excited by this large number, which compares with the 4,000 people from this time period included in American National Biography. This will be a critical tool for readers of the Founding Editions online, and a scholarly and critical publication in its own right. When the Press sent our proposal for peer review, PFE received very positive responses, including(with permission from the authors): "The broad database and flexibility of the PFE has unlimited potential for scholarly analysis." And, ". . .The scope and breadth of the PFE make it almost universally applicable to every institution and archive, especially ones with heavy genealogical traffic. " Please assist us by taking our short survey, located at the following address: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=PIsxlc8OaKOR_2fdXNXjmjHg_3d_3d Or contact me directly by email: ss5nq@virginia.edu We appreciate your assistance as we carry this work forward. Susan Severtson Director,Communications Documents Compass www.documentscompass.org 703-593-5338 susan@documentscompass.org ----- End forwarded message -----
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