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RE: Institutional subscription question

I agree completely with John Cox on this issue, and that is also 
the position of the Association of Subscription Agents and 
Intermediaries (ASA). Individuals and companies which supply 
subscriptions purchased at personal rates to libraries are acting 
fraudulently. Publishers do take successful legal action against 
them. These companies and individuals are not members of the ASA 
as such practices breach our Guidelines to members and the 
fraudulent supply of personal subscriptions to libraries would be 
sufficient cause not to be accepted as a member: something I am 
sure publishers will be pleased to hear if they were not already 
well aware of this fact!

The exact legal status of donations of back volumes by professors 
on death or retirement when they were originally supplied as 
personal subscriptions or as part of their work on editorial 
boards, I will leave to the legal minds amongst us. But I suspect 
very few if any publishers would be concerned about such a 
practice and legal action would be most unlikely to follow.

Rollo Turner
Secretary General
Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries