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Interesting twist on copyright

Interesting story circulating about J.K. Rowling, who has apparently authorized fans to write sequels to the Harry Potter series, provided that they are noncommercial, not pornographic, and do not include racism. Presumably it would be okay for Harry to take a job as a serial killer for a not-for-profit organization.

Kidding aside, and assuming the story is true (I am pasting in a blog item below, but a blog could be the work of Dolores Umbridge), this represents a shrewd application of next-generation intellectual property activity. Rowling can retire and let her fans continue to market her books. And she has been notoriously protective of the books that she did write.

We will be seeing more of this. The debate between "information wants to be free" and "information wants to be expensive" is over. Creative people synthesize. (But there is no truth to the rumor that Stevan Harnad has been hired as Director of Marketing for Springer.)

Joe Esposito


Harry Potter author JK Rowling has given fans permission to write sequels to the hugely successful boy-wizard books, picking up the action after the series final installment, The Deathly Hallows.

The author - whose seven-book series about the young wizard has sold almost 400 million copies - will not take legal action against George Lippert, who wrote a follow-up to Harry's adventures on his website.

Under copyright laws Lippert could have been prosecuted for his actions.

Rowling's lawyers confirmed she is happy for spin-offs to be published online as long as the publications are not sold and it is made clear she was not involved in the stories.

She also requested the follow-ups do not contain pornography or racism.
