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UKSG Seminar: Measure for Measure, 14 June, London

Of possible interest to this list

** Apologies for Cross-Posting **

UK Serials Group are pleased to announce that places are 
available for our seminar:

Measure for Measure, or, Much Ado about Nothing:
Measuring the quality and value of online journals

To be held on Thursday 14 June 2007
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London

This highly topical seminar brings together a range of eminent 
speakers to explore the ways in which the quality and value of 
online journals and their published output can be assessed, from 
the latest developments in long-standing citation-based 
assessment methods to newer technologies which have yet to be 
developed into reliable standards, including usage-based measures 
and linking metrics.  Our experts will also consider the wider 
environment in which such measurements take place, in terms of 
the influence of quality measures on author and reader behaviour, 
the differing perceptions of value between disciplines, and the 
development of national quality initiatives such as the UK's 
Research Assessment Exercise.

The seminar will be of keen interest to librarians, publishers 
and all those with a stake in understanding the multi-faceted 
topic of determining the quality of journals.


10.00  Registration and coffee

10.30  Welcome and introduction by the Chair
Hazel Woodward, University Librarian and Director of the University Press,
Cranfield University

10.40  Perceptions of value and value beyond perceptions
Carol Tenopir, Professor, School of Information Sciences and 
Director of Research, College of Communication and Information, 
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

11.15  Journals in the arts and humanities: their role and evaluation
Professor Geoffrey Crossick, Warden, Goldsmiths, University of London

11.50 The usage factor - how can we enhance the relevance of 
usage as an indicator of value?
Richard Gedye, Sales Director, Oxford Journals

12.20  Lunch

13.15 The anxiety of hyper-influence: measuring the impact of 
user- generated content
Geoffrey Bilder, Director of Strategic Initiatives, CrossRef

13.50  Bibliometrics, assessment and UK research
Jonathan Adams, Director, Evidence Ltd

14.25  Break

14.45 What impact, whose value?  Citation metrics in a workflow 
James Pringle, Vice President, Development, Academic & 
Government Markets, Thomson Scientific

15.20  What next?  A round-up of the day and some thoughts about achieving
the agenda
Hugh Look, Senior Consultant, Rightscom Ltd

15.45  Chair's closing remarks

16.00  Close of seminar



Please book via the UKSG website - 
http://www.uksg.org/events/measure - or contact:

Karen Sadler
UKSG Administrator
Tel. +44 (0)1865 744279
Fax. +44(0)1865 742164