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DMCA and the University Campus--10/28 early registration deadline for online workshop

* Are students on your campus copying and transmitting music and
copyrighted data on institutional networks? 

* Has your institution been served with cease & desist letters? Have you
  had to remove content from websites as a result of such a demand?

* Do you have concerns about institutional responsibilities when
  contacted by a content provider?
* Do you know what your rights and responsibilities are under the
  Digital Millennium Coppyright Act (DMCA)?
* Are you aware of the exemptions within the DMCA for nonprofit
  libraries, archives, and educational institutions available under
  certain circumstances?
* Do you have questions about how to promote distance education through
  digital technologies while maintaining an appropriate balance between
  the rights of copyright owners and the needs of users?
* Can you make copies of a DVD owned by your library to have a back-up
* Do you have questions or feel befuddled by what the DMCA is and what
  it means for you and your institution?

As part of its 2005-2006 Intellectual Property in Academia Online Workshop
Series, the Center for Intellectual Property at University of Maryland
University College is pleased to offer some answers:

	The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the University
	Campus: A Safe Harbor?
	November 7-November 18, 2005
   	Moderated by Arnold Lutzker, Esq.
   		Senior Partner, Lutzker, Lutzker & Settlemyer, LLP 

This asynchronous online workshop is designed for faculty, university
counsel, librarians, administrators, and instructional design and
information professionals.

COURSE GOALS--Workshop participants will:

*Discuss the DMCA's original intentions to provide OSPs with
 liability protection;
*Review DMCA history and analyze recent DMCA judicial opinions; 
*Discuss concepts of OSP and Safe Harbor;
*Consider the universities' responsibilities as OSPs, particularly with 
 P2P file sharing;
*Discuss legislative developments and case studies demonstrating
 practical applications.

WORKSHOP FORMAT: This two-week online workshop will provide an in-depth
understanding of core intellectual property issues facing higher
education. It will include course readings, chats and online discussions,
and daily response and feedback from the workshop moderator. Please visit
the web site for all course objectives:


Early registration--$125--closes OCTOBER 28. 
Register online at

Reserve your space now for upcoming workshops and save--two workshops
for $225.

Significant discounts for a limited number of full time graduate
students; see the website for details. 
For additional information call 240-582-2965 or visit

--Jack Boeve
Center for Intellectual Property
University of Maryland University College http://www.umuc.edu/cip