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Digitizing your Journal Backfiles

(please accept my apologies for resending this message - if you would like
to take part in the survey, the questionnaire is on the ALPSP website as a
pdf, see link below)

Digitizing your Journal Backfiles
01 December 2003 (13.00 -17.00) Chair: Simon Inger, Director, Scholarly 
Information Strategies Ltd

This is a half-day seminar designed for journal publishers who are looking
for practical information on journal backfile conversion.  With major
initiatives led by JSTOR, Elsevier Science and the National Library of
Medicine, many smaller publishers are feeling the pressure to convert
their own backfiles.  Now that a number of publishers have converted and
loaded these, it seems the ideal time to review their experiences and to
evaluate the real costs and benefits associated with this process.  The
seminar will focus on providing answers to the following three questions:

Why convert my backfile?
How do I convert my backfile?
Now that I've converted my backfile, what do I do with it?

Focus: key issues to consider when approaching backfile conversion, steps
in the process, beyond the cost of conversion, lessons learned.

Venue: One Birdcage Walk, London SW1H

To register online:  www.alpsp.org/events/s011203.htm

Fees: including lunch and reception (excluding VAT):
ALPSP members: =A382.00     SSP/SFEP individual members: =A3127.00 
Non-members: =A3160.00

Survey: Apex e-publishing is conducting a survey on this subject.  The 
results will be shared with the delegates at the seminar.  Please take 
time to complete the questionnaire which is at 
www.alpsp.org/events/ALPSP-ApexQuestionnaire.pdf  and return to 
jpeters@apexinc.com by 15/11/03.

Debbie Stoddart
Marketing Coordinator
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

Tel: +44(0) 1780 757005
Fax:+44(0) 1780 762507
E-mail: marketing@alpsp.org