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RE: Peter Jasco review of PubSCIENCE
- To: "'liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu'" <liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu>
- Subject: RE: Peter Jasco review of PubSCIENCE
- From: "Hamaker, Chuck" <cahamake@email.uncc.edu>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 18:52:35 EDT
- Reply-To: liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu
- Sender: owner-liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu
Strange that Jasco thinks $500,000 is a lot of money to create and sustain an index. Given the complaints in his article, it seems to me the major ones are currency of linking mechanisms and coverage, i.e. maintaining current links , overall coverage and de-dupping --the answer is support for the service rather than continuing to provide inadequate dollars to do the job. For something to be as important for the sciences as PubMed is to the medical, -what I understand to be the goal, we should be lobbying for more support. Has Jasco paid for any of the commercial indexes lately? Perhaps he doesn't realize that institutions are seeing prices for access to standard sci-tech databases in the $100,000 range-per institution? Perhaps the answer is support for a resource that is badly underfunded and even at that providing an important alternative for individuals and institutions that can't purchase access to commerical database providers products in the sciences. Should we shut out everyone except those who work in large institutions and commercial research enterprises from seeing what is being published in sci-tech? Isn't this an example of a service that can benefit many, if properly supported? Large well funded institutions can afford to purchase major science indexes-and Pubscience is really no competition to those products(although various publishers have claimed it is-without much proof from my perspective.) In addition, both in the US and abroad, many academic institutions don't have science budgets large enough to pay for even the most inexpensive of the science databases. What is wrong with providing them with a basic tool at government expense? We talk about access to research being critical for continued development. Qualty Indexing structure is the first step to indentifying appropriate research. You sort of wonder why more publishers aren't cooperating with PubScience, especially when several not cooperating with it are taking part in third world access programs. -i,.e. they realize apparently that areas without access to current research are severely hindered. We have such pockets in the US as well, and pubscience was a valiant attempt to provide them with some coverage of the sciences. Smaller institutions and individivuals not affiliated with large institutions could be very well served by Pubscience if it were actually encouraged and supported. Given that much of the science produced by US authors is science funded by the government, -and thus a significant portion world-wide it makes perfectly good sense for such a government supported index to exist and be supported properly. What perhaps Jasco is actually reflecting is the success of commercial companies- in lobbying congress to starve off a govt. supported database claiming it "competes" or actually MIGHT compete with them. My own cursory study of its content suggests it covers titles that the major science indexes neglect. It's never been given a decent chance of providing an index for the general public for access to research paid for by that same public. And yes, I've seen SIIA's reasons for trying to shut it down. It's too bad that expensive lobbying has this unfortunate result. I have to assume more has been spent in lobbying to close down Pubscience than has been spent in creating and supporting it. Chuck Hamaker -----Original Message----- From: Grogg, Jill [mailto:jgrogg@library.msstate.edu] Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:42 PM To: 'liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu' Subject: RE: Peter Jasco review of PubSCIENCE Interesting, considering Jasco's earlier review of PubSCIENCE in Link Up, 17, no. 3 (May/June 2000): 3, 8. Abstract available at: http://www.infotoday.com/lu/may00/luab11.htm. "PubSCIENCE is an excellent resource for those who cannot afford the fee-based databases." "It can easily become the preferred source also for those who currently subscribe to one or more of the commercial databases." *********************************************** Jill E. Grogg, Assistant Professor Instruction Services Librarian Mississippi State University [voice] 662.325.8162 [fax] 662.325.4263 [e-mail] jgrogg@library.msstate.edu [url] http://www2.msstate.edu/~jeg98/ -----Original Message----- From: Sloan, Bernie [mailto:bernies@uillinois.edu] Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 5:43 PM To: 'liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu'; 'DIG_REF@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU' Subject: Peter Jasco review of PubSCIENCE Peter Jasco reviews PubSCIENCE in the most recent edition of "Peters Digital Reference Shelf": http://www.galegroup.com/reference/peter/sept.htm#pubsci Referring to the recent proposal to shut down PubSCIENCE, Jasco notes: "I am not at all concerned by the proposal because this is a poorly implemented database considering the whopping $500,000 a year it gets from Congress." Bernie Sloan Senior Library Information Systems Consultant University of Illinois Office for Planning and Budgeting 338 Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801
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