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RE: Music companys to pay up

Although not a lawyer (I seem to be saying this pretty often) I was of the
impression that when one accused others of not honoring their obligations
one was expected to come into the case with "clean hands." Another way of
putting it, is that the courts will not settle arguments among the members
of a band of thieves.

To come a little closer to home, if publishers do not respect the
copyrights of their authors (Tasini), they have a somewhat weaker
position, certainly morally and perhaps legally, against those who do not
honor their own.

It might be reasonable to interpet fair use a little differently when
dealing with the products of a clearly unethical vendor. One must not
steal their property, but fair use is a matter of equity involving the
balancing of the different parties rights.

David Goodman
Research Librarian and
Biological Sciences Bibliographer
Princeton University Library
dgoodman@princeton.edu            609-258-7785