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Nature notice

Now that the electronic version of Nature is unavailable, the electronic
version listing has been removed from Princeton's online catalog, and the
ejournals list links to the attached notice, whose wording has been
approved by all the appropriate selectors here:


I have sent a notice to all my faculty and as many other biology users as
I can reach that adds the paragraph:

Most large research libraries are also refusing to subscribe to the
electronic versions under this plan. Therefore, it can be expected that
the readership of the electronic version of Nature and the Nature
monthlies will be considerably less than it was last year. I am not
suggesting that you do not send your best papers there, but rather that
you express your concern to:  [etc.]

If you wish to use all of part of our notices you may, but you will
probably want to adjust the price figures to those for you own
institution, and change the mailto: links so your users send a copy to
your appropriate people, not to our committee.

David Goodman
Biology Librarian
and Co-chair, Electronic Journals Task force
Princeton University Library
Princeton, NJ 08544-0001
phone: 609-258-3235
fax: 609-258-2627
e-mail: dgoodman@princeton.edu