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RE: Online journal statistics

Hi Donnie and other folks,

You've got it in one.

We've had access to Emerald stats for a short while - their system 
generates stats via an email attachment, too, not directly onto a 
web page. T'would also be nice to have outputs possible in a variety 
of ways (e.g. delimited somehow for loading into spreadsheets, 

When I queried them about the Top Ten approach, here was the 
response from their Shelly Grimshaw:

"In respect the usage statistics, at the moment access is limited to 
the top 10 titles, but we can provide you with the full details if you 
require them. Presently there is no facility for users to obtain details 
of the full access as there has been no demand for it, but I will 
check with the director responsible for electronic development to 
determine if this is something that we intend to develop for our end 

I guess the politicos amongst you had better start 'demanding' so 
that there IS demand!

This approach, naturally, resonates with the Elsevier stats. And 
others no doubt. 

It raises the issue more generally about integrating the stats mass 
into a comparative framework. Apples and pears and cumquats just 
ain't mixing at the moment. However, patience - I guess we all have 
to crawl before we can run ...

Ciao from the monarchy downunder (sniff),

Richard d'Avigdor
Senior Librarian
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052,   AUSTRALIA
Social Sciences & Humanities Library
Tel: +61 2 9385 2657  Fax: +61 2 9662 6309
Datasets Coordinator
Electronic Information Resources Group (EIRG)
Tel: +61 2 9385 1531  Fax: +61 2 9662 6309


From:           	"Donnie Curtis" <dcurtis@admin.unr.edu>
To:             	<liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu>
Subject:        	RE: Online journal statistics
Date sent:      	Tue,  9 Nov 1999 19:14:20 EST
Send reply to:  	liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu

> Dominic,
> The amount of usage information MCB University Press provides is
> impressive. However, I did not see, in your message or on your Web page,
> that your company provides statistics for the individual titles in your
> package, other than for the "most requested journals." If I am missing
> something, please let us know. One of the ICOLC guidelines is to provide
> numbers for "Full text displayed broken down by title, ISSN with title
> listed, or other title identifier as appropriate." One of the ways
> libraries can use that specific information is to compare the use of the
> print version and the electronic version. Aggregated numbers do not always
> satisfy our needs.
> Donnie Curtis
> Director of Research Services
> University of Nevada, Reno, Library