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Re: Fair use (Re: Xerox ContentGuard)

I think publishers are entitled to a non-intrusive mechanism for enforcing
reasonable license terms, and the adoption of a generally known standard
system might facilitate appropriate and consistent licensing policies.  
The important issue remains the license terms. Knowing the availability of
these techniques, librarians and publishers now ought to focus on making
sure that licenses include only appropriate restrictions, protect the
privacy rights of users, and do not diminish the established rights of
fair use. Perhaps the standard contracts that have been suggested should
now be revised to deal explicitly with this.

David Goodman 
Biology Librarian, and
Co-Chair, Electronic Journals Task Force
Princeton University Library 
dgoodman@princeton.edu         http://www.princeton.edu/~biolib/
phone: 609-258-3235            fax: 609-258-2627