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At last! Licensing Worshop for Publishers!

In response to many, many queries from publishers and vendors, I'm
delighted to announce the first workshop on licensing directed at
publishers and vendors.  If demand continues, the ARL will schedule a
number of such workshops around the country or for individual groups or
societies.  If you have further questions, feel free to contact Mary Case
at the ARL, or me at the address below. 


An ARL Workshop for Publishers

Friday, August 14, 1998
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

DoubleTree Hotel Park Terrace on Embassy Row
1515 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20005


This one-day workshop will:

  1. review the legal foundations of license agreements;
  2. engage the participants in a review of license terms and conditions;
  3. discuss libraries' statements of principles; and
  4. provide a library perspective on the review and negotiation process.


The workshop is open to publishers and vendors engaged in the process of
licensing electronic resources to libraries. Individuals might include those
who are responsible for:

   * writing license agreements;
   * marketing or servicing electronic resources;
   * negotiating and/or signing licenses for electronic resources on behalf
     of the publisher.


Trisha Davis
Head, Continuation Acquisition Division, The Ohio State University Libraries

Karen Hersey
Intellectual Property Counsel, Technology Division, MIT

Mary Case
Director, Office of Scholarly Communication, Association of Research


Registration fee is $225. Attendance is limited. The registration 
fee includes resource materials, continental breakfast, lunch,
and breaks. Prepayment is required.

Checks should be payable to the Association of Research Libraries.  
Cancellation date: July 31, 1998.  
	Mary Jane Brooks
	Association of Research Libraries
	21 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 800
	Washington, DC 20036
	tel:  (202) 296-2296
	fax:  (202) 872-0884
	email:  maryjane@arl.org

Register online at:  <http://www.arl.org/scomm/licensing/pworkshop.html>.

Trisha L. Davis
Head, Continuation Acquisition Division 
The Ohio State University Libraries	Phone: (614) 292-6314
1848 Neil Avenue Mall  040N		Fax:   (614) 292-2015
Columbus, OH 43210-1286			Email:  davis.115@osu.edu