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Science Online

What puzzles me about the restrictive nature of access to
Science Online in libraries is that the journal is published
by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, and
just when there was a chance for us librarians to make it
available to our users as soon as it was available (not
waiting that extra week or two until our paper copy arrived),
that window of opportunity closed!

Their model (requiring the IP address of each workstation)
may work smoothly in a one-journal, one-workstation
environment but it doesn't work smoothly in libraries.

It is an administrative nightmare to first, order and pay
the additional price (which is reasonable enough, I might add),	
and then catalog and communicate to our users which library has
Science Online (not to mention the hundreds or thousands of 
other titles), and specifically, which workstation in that library!

We librarians were given a very long and generous free trial
period for Science when it began to publish some full-text
articles online in 1995.  We were also encouraged to offer
comments, advice, and criticism via the SCIENCE feedback
mechanism.  Did we not do that when we had the opportunity?

Is it too late?

Jane Holmquist * Astrophysics Librarian * Princeton University
© 1996, 1997 Yale University Library
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