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Listproc Archives

[MOD. NOTE:  While I thought we'd sent this message through a few days
ago, in fact it doesn't seem to show up in the list archives.  Please
forgive if the message is indeed a dup.  Retrieving the archives can be
useful and it is an easy thing to do.]

For those of you who have asked about retrieving the Liblicense-l
archives, here are some simple instructions for retrieving whole months at
a time.  Below these instructions, we've reproduced the section out of the
listproc "Help" file that tells you how to how to get a list of files
contained in the archive, as well as to how retrieve by specific words. 
Listproc documentation is, well, just a little opaque, hence the
translation into regular English.

Note that although the protocol below includes "password", this is an
open archive and you can access it without the PW.

For retrieving a month at a time:

To get archives for this list, send the following message to

        get liblicense-l log9701
        get liblicense-l log9702

where 97 is the year and 01 is the month (January).  For example, after
March 1, add a line ending " ... log9703" and so forth. 

If you request the 9701 archives, as we did just for the fun of it, you
will find that they are sent to you in approximately 1400-line clumps. For
January 1997's archive of Liblicense-l, two 1400-line and one shorter
message will be sent you.  I simply unload these into a word processing
file in which I can search for words or dates. 

But, you can ask the archive to do that for you.  Read on.  It's
pretty easy.  You might want to save this message for future reference
as it works for all open listsproc archive.

Good luck, Your Moderators


                        *** FOR ARCHIVES ***

get <archive | path-to-archive> <file> [/password] [parts]                 

Get the requested file from the specified archive. Files are usually split
in parts locally, and in such a case you will receive the file in multiple
email messages -- an 'index' request tells you how many parts the file has
been split into, and their sizes; if you need to obtain certain parts,
specify them as optional arguments. If an archive is private, you have to
provide its password as well. 
index [archive | path-to-archive] [/password] [-all]                       

Get a list of files in the selected archive, or the master archive if no
archive was specified. If an archive is private, you have to provide its
password as well. 
search <archive | path-to-archive>] [/password] [-all] <pattern>           

Search all files of the specified archive (and all of its subarchives if
-all is specified) for lines that match the pattern. The pattern can be an
egrep(1)-style regular expression with support for the following
additional operators: '~' (negation), '|' and '&' (logical OR and AND),
'<' '>' (group regular expressions). The pattern may be enclosed in single
or double quotes.  Note: . matches any character including new line. 
view <archive | path-to-archive>] [/password] [parts]                      

Same as 'get' but in interactive mode justs catenates the file on the
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