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ALPSP Seminar: Managing Risk in a Publishing Environment

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ALPSP/FST Seminar: Managing Risk in a Publishing Environment

17 February 2004 Chair:  Sue Thorn, Society for Endocrinology

The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1 5AH

Publishing has always suffered from the commercial risk associated with
serving an ever-changing market place although learned societies have had
the comfort of knowing their specialist markets rather better than many
larger publishers.  Furthermore, for most learned societies, publishing
was a smaller and subsidiary activity upon which the solvency of the
society did not usually depend.  However, things have changed not least
because publishing often now provides a much larger part of the society's
income than previously and because the importance of journals and books as
methods of communication is less with the advent of electronic methods.  
This seminar identifies the current risks in learned society publishing
and reviews the way in which those risks may be managed.


13:30	Registration and coffee

14:00	Introduction: What is risk? Why is publishing different
	from other businesses -    if it is?  - Chair, Sue Thorn

14:15	Identifying risks in publishing as industry sees them -
	Kurt Paulus, previously at IOP, former ALPSP treasurer

14:50	Risk assessment and its documentation - Benjamin James,
	Bircham Dyson Bell

15.30	Coffee and tea

16.00	Methods of managing/minimising risk - Alastair Dryburgh,

16.40	Managing the unexpected: the RoweCom collapse - what have
	we learned? James Rogers, OUP

17.20	Discussion and Chair's summing up

Fees excluding VAT A LPSP/FST members: �85.00;  Academic: �100.00;  SFEP
freelance members: �135.00 Non-members: �170.00

To register online: http://www.alpsp.org/events/s170204.htm

Debbie Stoddart
Event Marketing Co-ordinator

3 Barnack Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire,PE9 2NA
Tel: +44(0) 1780 757005
Fax:+44(0) 1780 762507
E-mail: marketing@alpsp.org